We prioritize pet care excellence, striving to elevate the standard of care for pets and devoted pet parents.

Our mission is to establish and expand a network of premier pet resorts nationwide. United by our shared love of animals, we’re committed to providing an exceptional experience for both pets and their caregivers. We’re dedicated to fostering a strong company culture and believe that success begins with great people. Our passion lies in cultivating significant connections with our team, supporting their personal, professional, and financial growth.

Our vision

To forge a community of premium pet resorts and experienced leaders who will transform the standard of care and the pet resort experience across the country.

Our leadership

Our team consists of industry professionals with a proven ability to collaborate with teams to accelerate the performance of our partnering companies.

Our values

At the heart of our culture is the belief that through a collaborative and entrepreneurial mindset we can provide unmatched customer experiences.

Why Better Than Home?


Be part of something bigger

Help us build a world-class company that will take care of pets and people far into the future.


Winning together

Provide improved benefits for members of your team, including health insurance, PTO, mental wellness, and opportunities to become an owner in the business.


Access to technology & expertise

Industry-leading experts dedicated to continuing to grow your business, provide operational support, and help implement shared best practices across our network of facilities.


At the heart of our company is an unparalleled commitment to our teams, prioritizing their professional advancement and personal fulfillment above all. Our dedication ensures that our teams always come first, and their well-being and achievements take precedence in every aspect of our collective journey.

Health and Wellness

Insurance & Retirement
Mental Wellness Resources
Flexible Scheduling / PTO-Pet Health Insurance
Gym Membership


Continuing Education
College/Course Reimbursement
Mentorship & Coaching

Rewarding Career

Career Pathing
Job Satisfaction


Equity Sharing
Performance Bonuses
Peer Recognition


Employee Affinity Groups
Day-to-Day Support

Superior Compensation

Competitive Compensation
Milestone Rewards
Equity Sharing

Explore your options with us

It is critical that we build mutual trust and have a shared understanding of one another’s goals.

The process of selling your business should be simple and straightforward, which is why we approach each interaction with transparency and respect. We’ll make sure you get your questions answered and will only move forward if it feels right for everyone. Let’s start the conversation.

Preliminary Review

We’ll start by getting to know each other and learning about your business and team. Once we’ve reviewed financial information, we’ll share a valuation with you and a potential deal structure to best meet your needs.

Letter of Intent

Once we find a winning solution for both parties, we will sign a Letter of Intent and work toward closing the sale of your business.

Due Diligence

We will ensure the proper legal documentation is in place to protect all involved, review the quality of earnings, and ensure we’re collectively setup for success.


Within 60 days of your signed offer, we will close the transaction and begin our partnership.


Next we will create a bespoke transition plan together to seamlessly bring your business into our community.


We will plan with your team to ensure that we can continue to grow together, providing the best possible experience for everyone.

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Our team of dedicated experts is here to provide tailor-made support, designed to cater to your specific needs and those of your teams.

Meet the team

Nick Falk
Chief Operating Officer
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